
Terms of Use

  • Last updated 21 May 2024

Welcome to uNivUS!  

1. Acceptance to Terms of Use  

Please read the following terms and Conditions (“Terms of Use”) carefully. If you do not agree to abide by these Terms of Use, access to the uNivUS app, the uNivUS website and other National University of Singapore sites to which they link (collectively “the Website”) is not permitted. By accessing or using any part of the Website, you confirm that you accept these Terms of Use in full. 

2. Access to Website 

The Website (unless the individual linked site indicates otherwise) is owned and maintained by the National University of Singapore (“the University” or “NUS”). Access to and use of any part of the Website is strictly permitted only to the University’s authorised users, which comprise of its faculty, students and staff, and such registered alumni and other authorised users granted specific login access by the University (collectively “Users”).

All Users who are NUS students, staff (including faculty), alumni, partners and authorised visitors must authenticate their access to uNivUS using their own NUS-IDs and passwords issued to them by the University. Users who are NUS applicants must access uNivUS using their social media login credentials or local accounts created on the University admission system (whichever is applicable).

Please note that access to some linked sites (“Linked Sites”) of the Website may be restricted for some Users/categories of Users. Where any Linked Site has its own terms-of-use, access to and use of such site is additionally subject to such terms-of-use.

Your access to the Website is granted for personal and educational purposes related to the University only.  No other use is allowed without the prior permission of the University. Any commercial use or exploitation of any part of the Website is strictly prohibited.

Users are prohibited from accessing or using the Website for or on behalf of another person or entity.

3. Restrictions on Use  

Copyright in the content and materials on the Website belongs to the University unless otherwise indicated.

No part of the content or materials available on the Website may be reproduced, modified, adapted, licensed, sold, transmitted or otherwise distributed (in any medium or manner) without the prior written permission of the University. You may view and save an electronic copy, or print a copy, of limited parts of the Website solely for your own information, research or study, provided you do not modify the copy and you keep intact all accompanying copyright or other proprietary notices (or, where there is no such notice, the inclusion of “© National University of Singapore” on such copy).

The University’s names and trademarks should never be removed from pages or content on which they originally appear and webpages from the Website should always appear exactly as posted without variation, unless the University’s prior written approval for such variation is obtained.

4. Updates to Terms of Use  

The Terms of Use may be changed from time to time. Changes to the Terms of Use will be posted on this page at, and your access and use of the uNivUS app or the uNivUS website after such changes have been posted will constitute your agreement to the revised Terms of Use. You are therefore encouraged to review the Terms of Use regularly to ensure that you are updated as to any changes.

Queries relating to these Terms of Use may be directed to

5. Privacy Notice 

The University’s Privacy Notice ( and its legal information and notices relating to its websites ( are incorporated and shall be deemed to form part of the Terms of Use. All references to “this Web-site”, “this website” or “NUS website” therein shall be deemed to include reference to the Website.

Without limitation to the Privacy Notice, you further agree that the University may access your personal data where necessary in the course of identification, diagnosis and/or dealing with any IT system or IT security issues, and/or where there are reasonable grounds to believe a violation of any law, or a breach of the University’s policies, may have taken place, and/or where such access is otherwise permitted or required under Singapore law.

You also agree to the collection, use and disclosure of any personal data by the University for the purpose of collating aggregated analytics data to improve the services and features in the uNivUS app and uNivUS website.

6. NUS Policies  

For Users who are NUS students or staff, all NUS policies relevant to the access or use of the Website applicable to them shall be deemed incorporated in the Terms of Use, and any breach of such policies shall be a breach of the Terms of Use. These Users are advised that such relevant policies include (but are not limited to), where applicable:

  • Acceptable Use Policy for IT Resources
  •  IT Security Policy
  •  NUS Student Code of Conduct
  •  Data Management Policy
  •  Public Communications and Publications Policy
  •  NUS Staff Code of Conduct

7. User-generated Content  

You are solely responsible for any text, files, images, videos, sounds or other material you upload or post on the Website (“User Content”). Without limitation to the aforesaid, you warrant that you have (or have obtained) the right to upload or post your User Content, and that such upload or posting does not violate any party’s intellectual property or other rights.

You agree that the University may, without notice or reason given, delete or disable access to any of your User Content that it deems in its sole judgment to be inappropriate and/or have violated these Terms of Use.

8. Termination  

The University may, without liability, at its sole discretion terminate or suspend without prior notice your access to the Website for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited for any breach of the Terms of Use.

9. Disclaimers  

All content on the Website is provided “as is.” The University has made reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information and materials posted on the Website are correct at the time of posting. However, the University gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of any of the content on the Website for any purpose whatsoever. No reliance should therefore be made by you on the content without your independent verification of the accuracy and completeness of such content.

The Website may contain links to third-party websites. Inclusion of such links does not imply the University’s approval or endorsement of the linked third-party websites, and you access such linked websites at your own risk. The University shall not be responsible for the content of such websites nor be liable for any injury, damage or loss sustained by you arising from access to or use of such websites,

The University does not warrant that the uNivUS app or the uNivUS website will be available at all times, or that access to or use of the app or website will be without interruption, delay or error. The University reserves the right at its sole discretion to modify or remove access to the uNivUS app or the uNivUS website, or their content or services, at any time without notice. The University is not obliged to any User to maintain and support the uNivUS app or the uNivUS website, or to supply any corrections, updates, or releases in connection therewith.

You acknowledge and agree that the University shall not be held responsible or liable to you in any way for any and/or all consequences (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption or loss of information) that may be incurred as a result of accessing or using, or being unable to access or use, the Website, even if the University has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance. To the extent permissible by law, no right of action by a User will arise as a result of personal injury or property damage, howsoever arising, sustained as a result of access or use of, or inability to access or use, the Website, whether through neglect or otherwise.

You agree to indemnify and hold the University harmless from any loss, liability, claim or demand made by any third party arising from your access or use of the Website.

10. Terms relating to Specific uNivUS Features

Without limitation to the general disclaimers above, Users should note that data and information in the uNivUS app and website are drawn from various University and third-party sources and systems in and outside the Website, which may not be error-free and may be subject to change. Users should therefore check the primary sources of any critical data or information they require to confirm they are correct and up-to-date, and/or for any clarification.   

Users of the following uNivUS features should also take note of the additional guidelines applicable to their use:

Inbox (Emergency Alert, Notifications and Feed)

  • Messages to the Inbox are provided solely for the convenience of Users and may not be error-free. Users acknowledge that any information provided is current as at the last update from the respective faculty and/or department, and that it is their responsibility to verify with the message senders for any updates.
  • Users who are administrators sending Emergency, Notification or Feed messages shall be responsible for the accuracy and appropriateness of the message content. Administrators’ negligence of any areas of responsibility stated above may result in revocation of access.

Examinations and Continual Assessment Results Release

  • Users acknowledge that the results reflected in this widget are drawn from EduRec and may not be error-free. Users agree that it is their responsibility to check with EduRec, the Office of the University Registrar or their respective faculties to verify their results or in the event they have any queries regarding the results.

Bus Widget  

  • Users acknowledge that all bus arrival timings reflected in uNivUS are drawn directly from the Land Transport Authority (LTA) database or the NUS NextBus database, and may not be error-free. Any inaccuracies in timing will be universal across all applications deriving information from these databases. If timings provided are consistently inaccurate, Users are encouraged to email feedback to with more details.

Digital ID & Contact Card 

  • Student and staff (including faculty) users acknowledge that student or staff data from Digital ID are drawn directly from EduRec and CHRS respectively. Inaccuracies will be universal across all applications deriving information from these databases. In the event inaccurate data is displayed in the Digital ID feature in uNivUS, Users are encouraged to reach out to either Office of the University Registrar or the Office of Human Resources, depending on which is applicable, to rectify the inaccuracy.
  • Alumni Users acknowledge that data from the Digital ID are drawn directly from the University’s alumni records. Inaccuracies will be universal across all applications deriving information from this database. In the event inaccurate data is displayed in the Digital ID feature in uNivUS, alumni Users are encouraged to reach out to the Office of Alumni Relations or the Office of the University Registrar to rectify the inaccuracy.
  • Users acknowledge that by entering any data into their Contact Cards, including but not limited to data such as their LinkedIn profile URLs and places of employment, they agree that for the University’s internal purposes.


Users acknowledge that these exclusive privileges may be subject to terms and conditions agreed with participating merchants.

11. Governing Law 

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore, and any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.

12. Contact Information 

Queries and feedback relating to uNivUS and these Terms of Use may be directed to